
Adwokat zarządzający Kancelarią odpowiedzialny za opracowywanie strategii prowadzenia na rzecz Klientów spraw, w tym dochodzeń wewnętrznych. Blisko piętnastoletnie doświadczenie zawodowe zdobywał w sprawach przed krajowymi sądami i organami ścigania, a także w USA.

Piotr Stocki

Founder, Advocate 

Piotr Stocki manages the Law Firm and is responsible for developing strategies for handling cases for clients, including internal investigations. He gained nearly fifteen years of professional experience in cases before domestic courts and law enforcement agencies, as well as in the USA.

He represents organizations and managers in criminal proceedings regarding economic crimes, in particular: cases of economic fraud, acting to the detriment of the organization, acting to the detriment of creditors, and money laundering. He also specializes in proceedings regarding: clerical crime, crime related to the capital market, unfair competition, crimes against employee rights, as well as in fiscal penal cases.


Conducts internal investigations in organizations aimed at detecting fraud. His experience includes investigations into actions detrimental to the organization (theft of property, financial fraud, concluding unfavorable contracts, competitive activities and theft of sensitive data, etc.), violations of employee rights (mobbing, unequal treatment, harassment), violations of the natural environment, violations of sanctions regulations and other regulatory obligations.


In commercial and labor proceedings, he focuses on representing organizations and managers in matters relating to the settlement of managerial contracts, violation of the non-competition clause, trade secrets and other confidential data, employee claims and accidents at work, actions to the detriment of the organization, actions to the detriment of creditors, and managers' liability for obligations of the company, as well as regarding the ban on holding functions and conducting business activities. He also has extensive experience in handling commercial proceedings related to the implementation of commercial contracts, especially regarding abuses in the implementation of construction investments. Represents players in sports disputes.


He also represents clients in proceedings regarding administrative penalties imposed on organizations and managers, in cases of violation of public finance discipline, as well as disciplinary professional liability.


Currently involved in representing clients in trials regarding high-profile economic scandals, including: GetBack, Softnet Group, Polnord, Metropolitan. He represented clients before the Sejm investigative committee. For nearly ten years, he has been responsible for handling disputes (litigation) of the Capital Group, which is the largest independent distributor of automotive parts in Central and Eastern Europe and the second largest in Europe.


From 2016 to 2023, he served as the Deputy Disciplinary Spokesperson of the Bar Association in Warsaw.



Publications and speeches

  • Liability of management board members - what is worth knowing and how to protect yourself? | Pact with Business #20 -


  • 2nd edition of the project under the creative patronage of ORA Warszawa – 2023, episode 4 -


  • Learn effective methods of minimizing criminal liability -


  • What civil liability does a manager have? “Management of a medical facility” – No. 8/2020


  • Why is it worth taking out D&O insurance? “Management of a medical facility” – No. 4/2020
  • Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw


  • Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, Studies in fiscal and economic criminal law


  • Center for American Law organized by Emory University School of Law, Georgia State University College of Law and WPiA UW


  • Attorney apprenticeship at the Bar Association in Warsaw under the patronage of attorney-at-law. Krzysztof Stępiński


  • PhD student at the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the field of criminal law and procedure


