Adwokat zarządzający Kancelarią odpowiedzialny za opracowywanie strategii prowadzenia na rzecz Klientów spraw, w tym dochodzeń wewnętrznych. Blisko piętnastoletnie doświadczenie zawodowe zdobywał w sprawach przed krajowymi sądami i organami ścigania, a także w USA.

Artur Jabłoński









An expert supporting the Law Firm's lawyers in matters of cybersecurity, information security and personal data protection, corruption, compliance, as well as in explanatory proceedings.


He specializes in conducting audits, as well as implementing and supervising compliance procedures. He is an expert in management systems, including information security and personal data protection (GDPR). He has many years of experience in implementing several hundred projects in all sectors of the economy. He is an auditor in international certification bodies, as well as a certified lead auditor in the field of information security, business continuity, quality, environment, occupational health and safety, and social responsibility. He has experience in anti-corruption audits.


  • Faculty of Management of the Białystok University of Technology
  • Executive MBA postgraduate studies as part of the TEMPUS program at Limburgs Universitair Centrum (Belgium), University of Limerick (Ireland), Groupe ESC Marseille-Provence (France) and Wrocław University of Economics
  • Postgraduate studies in Business Management in the Single European Market AEW
  • PhD student at the Jagiellonian University at the Faculty of Management and Social Communication