
Adwokat zarządzający Kancelarią odpowiedzialny za opracowywanie strategii prowadzenia na rzecz Klientów spraw, w tym dochodzeń wewnętrznych. Blisko piętnastoletnie doświadczenie zawodowe zdobywał w sprawach przed krajowymi sądami i organami ścigania, a także w USA.

Adam Olech

Associate, Advocate 







  • Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Rzeszów


  • Attorney training at the Bar Association in Rzeszów


Attorney responsible for representing clients in civil and commercial proceedings at all stages, including mediation and settlement negotiations.

In civil and commercial proceedings, he focuses on representing organizations and managers in matters relating to claims arising from commercial contracts and corporate relations related to the operation of companies and other entrepreneurs, as well as in matters related to bankruptcy law. He has extensive experience in disputes regarding construction investment processes, as well as those related to real estate. Represents clients in disputes regarding the award of public contracts. He also specializes in court proceedings related to the employment relationship, in particular in matters of managerial claims, as well as regarding the organization's liability for accidents at work, as well as for the occurrence of abuses in the work environment.