Adwokat zarządzający Kancelarią odpowiedzialny za opracowywanie strategii prowadzenia na rzecz Klientów spraw, w tym dochodzeń wewnętrznych. Blisko piętnastoletnie doświadczenie zawodowe zdobywał w sprawach przed krajowymi sądami i organami ścigania, a także w USA.

Anna Żółtowska

Managing director for administration, finance and marketing 












Anna Żółtowska manages the administration and finances of the Law Firm. She is also responsible for PR and marketing activities, including contact with the media. He supervises processes related to the settlement of D&O policies for the Law Firm's clients. He also has experience in cooperation with PR agencies specializing in crisis management and image protection.


She gained professional experience working, among others, in one of the leading Warsaw PR agencies, and also carry out marketing projects for business entities, such as developing and developing a comprehensive website, implementing and coordinating the operation of an online store, running social media profiles, developing a network of so-called influencers, organizing promotional events and training, developing online distribution channels (Allegro, Amazon, eBay), as well as promoting the brand in industry media. 


  • Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, University of Warsaw
  • Postgraduate studies in Management and Marketing, Warsaw School of Economics