
In our activities we focus on:


How and when do we operate?


What are the benefits for your organization?


The internal investigation will help determine whether this has occurred in your organization:


What is an internal investigation ?


Internal investigations (compliance and HR)

Dochodzenia wewnętrzne


An important area of our practice are internal investigations conducted in organizations. We specialize primarily in conducting investigations regarding:


  • activities to the detriment of the organization (theft of property, financial abuse, concluding unfavorable contracts, competitive activities and theft of sensitive data, etc.)

  • violations of employee rights (mobbing, unequal treatment, harassment)

  • environmental violations

  • violations of sanctions regulations

  • breaches of regulatory obligations





  • aims to detect whether abuse has been committed in the organization (e.g. tort, crime, etc.)

  • allows you to identify the perpetrators of abuse and the mechanisms of its occurrence

  • serves to quickly collect evidence of fraud and protect it against destruction or loss

  • it generally does not require the involvement of public legal protection authorities, which allows it to be carried out efficiently and quickly

  • allows you to efficiently initiate appropriate proceedings: criminal, civil or disciplinary in order to pursue the organization's claims






  • violations of employee rights (e.g. mobbing, harassment)

  • making commercial activities and other decisions detrimental to the organization, including acting to its detriment (e.g. concluding unfavorable contracts with contractors)

  • illegal withdrawals from company assets

  • managerial corruption

  • theft of resources (e.g. warehouse losses, cash theft, theft of company property)

  • breach of business secrets, as well as theft of other confidential data

  • violating the prohibition of competitive activity and acting in conditions of conflict of interest

  • money laundering

  • violation of legal (regulatory) obligations resulting in the organization's liability





  • maintaining the continuity of the organization's operation in a crisis situation related to fraud

  • minimizing the damage caused by abuse, including negative image consequences for the organization and its managers

  • demonstrating due diligence of persons managing the organization in response to abuse and, as a result, waiving or limiting their liability in connection with the abuse

  • defining the mechanism resulting in abuse and eliminating it in the future

  • detecting perpetrators of abuse and, if necessary, bringing appropriate legal consequences against them

  • preventing future abuse by demonstrating that abuse is not tolerated in the organization and is met with a firm response

  • quickly collecting and securing evidence of abuse against its destruction or loss, as well as collecting other materials constituting the basis for initiating appropriate criminal, civil or disciplinary proceedings against perpetrators of abuse








  • An investigation should be initiated when there is a credible suspicion that fraud has occurred within the organization

  • You must act quickly, discreetly and in a planned manner, but also legally, respecting the rights of participants in the proceedings. Therefore, when conducting investigations, we ensure compliance with relevant regulations, including those regarding the protection of personal data, the method of taking evidence, and confidential data.








  • implementing a procedure in the organization to ensure the legality of the procedural activity, specifying the basic principles on which the explanatory proceedings will take place

  • preliminary findings regarding important facts and carrying out urgent explanatory activities, including their appropriate documentation

  • establishing, together with the organization's authorities, a team conducting the proceedings

  • developing a plan of action and a schedule of individual activities, taking into account the deadline for obtaining the necessary evidence

  • conducting evidentiary proceedings, including hearing witnesses, securing other evidence (documentation, IT records, monitoring), seeking specialist opinions, if required, and appropriately documenting these activities

  • preparing a report on the conducted explanatory proceedings, containing its findings, conclusions, as well as recommendations for further actions

  • initiating appropriate proceedings to pursue rights related to abuses found in the explanatory proceedings and bring consequences against those responsible